: p h o t o n o t e s :

Saturday, January 10, 2015


Gonio Boulevard (Georgia)

Sunbeds keepers enjoying their afternoon.

Friday, January 9, 2015


Ewelina Muc

Listopadowa sesja z Eweliną.

Ewelina to fanka WordPressa z misją – chce żeby dziewczyny kodowały, chce im pokazać, że wszystkiego można się nauczyć i że kodowanie jest fajne (szczególnie na WordPressie), dlatego założyła stronę GirlsWhoWP.com. Zawodowo front-end deweloperka i ux designerka w Siedemtrzy Studio.

// Photo session with Ewelina, front-end developper and ux dsigner in her Siedemtrzy Studio. She's a passionate WordPress fan who wants to show to girls that coding is cool and that everyone can learn it, that's why she founded GirlsWhoWP.com website.

Friday, December 26, 2014


Savignano sul Rubicone (Italy)


SI FEST Photography Festival


tutto si rompe, tutto si aggiusta / everything gets broken, everything gets adjusted

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Saturday, November 15, 2014


Trying to remove unnecessary objects from my room and tidy it up, I found several carton shoeboxes with loads of my old prints, negatives (XX-2012). And songbooks made by me out of lyrics published in Popcorn magazine when I was 11-13.
It's like going back in time.

I want to be 18 once again.

It seems that in '95 I was interested in fashion photography