: p h o t o n o t e s :
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Friday, June 27, 2014
Libellés :
Kiev 60,
latent images,
olympus mju II
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Some old shots for Ciepło właściwe
fb: https://www.facebook.com/cieplowlasciwe
PS I f****** miss my scanner!
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Libellés :
Canon AE-1,
ilford pan 400,
Reggio Emilia,
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Friday, March 28, 2014
♫ "Her" Soundtrack
Kwietne bomby ponad horyzontem wiszą na linach
Nie spadną, bariera smogu odpiera nieruchomo
atak przyjaciela
siłą odśrodkową wydychanych przez miasto nieczystości
Tylko czarne ptaki spijają żelazny nektar z lin
i odlatują w nieznane, gubiąc pióra i ćwierkając
złowrogo w nieznanym języku
Friday, March 7, 2014
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
(Mc Solaar chroni przed zimnem / Mc Solaar protects from the cold)
Libellés :
matière grise,
mc solaar,
okienna poezja,
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
"Pamiętam, jak mnie zaskoczyło, że natura była obojętna na to, co się działo: zaczynały dojrzewać kasztany, pierwsze mgły podnosiły się z doliny. Z daleka dochodził mnie odgłos potoku i dzwoneczków kóz Brunalby. Natura była kompletnie niezainteresowana naszymi ludzkimi tragediami, jakbyśmy nic nie znaczyli. Moglibyśmy nawet zniknąć, nie pozostawiając po sobie wielkiej pustki."
Tiziano Terzani, "10 września 2001 dzień, którego nie było" [w] Listy przeciwko wojnie
"Mi ricordo con quanto stupore mi accorsi che la natura era indifferente a quel che succedeva: le castagne cominciavano a maturare, le prime nebbie a salire dalla valle. Nell'aria sentivo il solito, lontano frusciare del torrente e lo scampanellio delle capre della Brunalba. La natura era assolutamente disinteressata ai nostri drammi di uomini, come se davvero non contassimo nulla e potessimo anche scomparire senza lasciare un gran vuoto."
Tiziano Terzani, "10 settembre 2001: il giorno mancato" [in] Lettere contro la guerra
♫ Stars of the Lid
♫ Stars of the Lid
Libellés :
Kiev 60,
Listy przeciwko wojnie,
Thursday, January 16, 2014

"Ja już nie śpię od 40 lat!", mówi Babcia za każdym razem, gdy pytam, czy dobrze spała. "40 lat temu zgubiłam sen i od tamtej pory nie mogę zasnąć." Odkąd pamiętam, czyli od jakichś dwudziestu paru lat, mówi też, że następnych urodzin nie doczeka. Dziś ma 93 lata. Gdy pytam, czy przyjdzie mnie odwiedzić, odpowiada bez zastanowienia: "Ja to bym poszła nawet na bal! Ale moje nogi są teraz bezrobotne, nie chcą chodzić". Te same nogi 2 lata temu wdrapały się po kryjomu po schodach na 2 piętro szpitala, żeby udowodnić lekarzowi, że są całkowicie sprawne. "Gdzie jest pani N.?" - zapytał lekarz szukając babci w sali, w której powinna być. "Powiedziała, że czeka na pana na 2 piętrze" - odpowiedziały współtowarzyszki ze szpitalnej sali. "Przecież ona nie może chodzić!" A jednak mogła. Babcia lubi płatać figle.
Pomimo tych 93 jesieni na karku, w głowie porządek: poczucie humoru bez zarzutu, umysł bystry, język cięty. Tylko jeden fakt może dziwić: podobno widuje w telewizorze Jezusa. Jak twierdzi, nie chodzi ani o obrazy, ani o filmy o Jezusie. Uważa, że on jej się tam objawia. "I wtedy podchodzę do niego, obejmuję to pudełko [telewizor] i całuję! Tak lubię, jak on przychodzi." Dlatego telewizor musi być cały czas włączony. Gdy o tym mówi, jest tak rozpromieniona i tak uroczo się uśmiecha, że aż wstyd mi nie wierzyć.
"I haven't slept in 40 years!", answers my grandma every time I ask her if she had a good sleep. "I lost my sleep 40 years ago and since then I can't fall asleep again". As far as I remember, for some 25 years, she repeats constantly that she won't be alive for her next birthday. Now she's 93. When I aks her if she'd come to visit me, she replies without any hesitation: "I would even go to a party! But my legs are now unemployed, they don't want to walk". The same legs scaled two floors of hospital stairs just to prove to the doctor that they could walk. „Where's Mrs. N. ?” asked doctor searching for grandma in her room. „She told she'd wait for you on the 2nd floor” answered her hospital roommate. „How come ?! She can’t walk !”. And yet, she could. Grandma likes to play tricks.
Besides 93 autumns already seen in her life, there's an order in her head: she's still got a sense of humour, a clear and clever mind and a sharp tongue. There's only one fact that may be suprising: apparently she sees Jesus in TV. According to what she says it's not his image neither movie that tells his story. She says that Jesus reveals himself to her. "So then I come closer to him, I embrace this box [TV set] and I kiss him! I like it so much when he comes." That's why TV has to be turned on constantly. When she tells about this fact, she's smiling so shiny that I feel weird I can't believe it.
"I haven't slept in 40 years!", answers my grandma every time I ask her if she had a good sleep. "I lost my sleep 40 years ago and since then I can't fall asleep again". As far as I remember, for some 25 years, she repeats constantly that she won't be alive for her next birthday. Now she's 93. When I aks her if she'd come to visit me, she replies without any hesitation: "I would even go to a party! But my legs are now unemployed, they don't want to walk". The same legs scaled two floors of hospital stairs just to prove to the doctor that they could walk. „Where's Mrs. N. ?” asked doctor searching for grandma in her room. „She told she'd wait for you on the 2nd floor” answered her hospital roommate. „How come ?! She can’t walk !”. And yet, she could. Grandma likes to play tricks.
Besides 93 autumns already seen in her life, there's an order in her head: she's still got a sense of humour, a clear and clever mind and a sharp tongue. There's only one fact that may be suprising: apparently she sees Jesus in TV. According to what she says it's not his image neither movie that tells his story. She says that Jesus reveals himself to her. "So then I come closer to him, I embrace this box [TV set] and I kiss him! I like it so much when he comes." That's why TV has to be turned on constantly. When she tells about this fact, she's smiling so shiny that I feel weird I can't believe it.
Friday, January 10, 2014
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Thursday, December 26, 2013
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