: p h o t o n o t e s :

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Marina di Ravenna, July 4th, La Notte Rosa / The Pink Night

La Notte Rosa is a kind of Summer Holiday's Eve in the Adriatic Coast of Emilia Romagna. I would say it's just another opportunity to make a huge party along the sea. 
It's not a photo-story, I just tried to capture people having fun and their outfit with my new Olympus mju-II that I'm still testing and trying to get along with.

Friday, June 27, 2014


Alice Green

A part of stuff to develop and scan, as I haven't developped anything since I drunk a bit o developper in 
may thinking it was water... A lot of work after coming back to Poland on the 8th of July, it's high time to start! 



Don’t let me show cruelty

Sunday, June 1, 2014


Some old shots for Ciepło właściwe
fb: https://www.facebook.com/cieplowlasciwe

PS I f****** miss my scanner!